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Canadian Integrated Injury and Health Surveillance System 

Our Mission

The Can-IIHSS project aims to inform the prevention, early identification and prognosis of all injuries, concussions, and mental health concerns within Canadian university athletes.




Main Goals


  1. Establish injury rates, risk factors for injury and consequences of injury for university athletes

  2. Inform the development and evaluation of translatable evidence-based primary prevention strategies for injuries and concussions specifically (e.g. neuromuscular training, equipment/rule changes, training programs) to reduce the burden of injury in sport and recreational activities

  3. Inform and evaluate early interventions to address mental health concerns 

  4. Evaluate early management and rehabilitation techniques for injuries

  5. Improve and facilitate training and injury reporting standards related to injury for allied health professionals nationwide


A Canadian integrated platform for injury and concussion prevention, early intervention and mental health

The Can-IIHSS is funded by the Canadian Institute for Health Research, the University of Calgary and the O’Brien Institute for Public Health

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